Thursday, October 27, 2011

Summer Culotte

Now that the summer is off to other places, and the cold and rain came... I present my summer culotte :)
I have a plan for making a winter version of them...

Agora que o verão partiu para outros sítios, e o frio e chuva chegaram... Apresento a minha saia-calça de verão :)
Tenho planeado fazer uma versão de inverno dela... 

"The word culottes describes a split or divided or any garment which "hangs like a skirt, but is actually pants. During the Victorian Era (mid- to late-nineteenth century) long split skirts were developed for horseback riding so that women could sit astride a man's saddle rather than riding side-saddle. The term "culottes" was co-opted from the original French definition of the word to describe these split riding skirts. Later, split skirts were developed to provide women more freedom to do activities such as gardening, cleaning, bike riding, etc. and still look like one is wearing a skirt.
In place of the term "culottes," the term skort (a portmanteau for skirt and shorts) is more widely used in some areas. While some garments sold as culottes resemble short trousers, to truly be a skort it needs to look like a skirt. Thus, they differ from trousers or shorts by being much fuller at the bottom (hem) than at the waist. A skort is shorts that have a front covering to resemble a skirt or short pant legs with a same length or longer skirt sewn over the top.
Some culottes have a part sewn over only the front, some are shorts with a skirt sewn over them. While these may not be completely the same, they are often called by either name, so either term can apply." Wikipedia

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